Table of Contents

[ early alpha ]
OCCU 22 A Philosophy. Computer Science. Cyberpunk
and Cyberculture Zine

Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn.
Why does the sun take so long to die?.

The Codes Beneath

[1] Mathematics is the language of nature.
[1] Everything in nature can be described or modeled by numbers.
[3] If you graph the numbers, pattern emerge. [2]

[ The Oecumenic order ]
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
     | | | | | | | | | |
0 -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 -- A B C D E F G H I J
2 -- K L M N O P Q R S T
3 -- U V W X Y Z
[ Anglossic Qabbala (Aq) ]

The Anglossic Qabbala (abbreviated Aq-) encodes alphanumeric strings into Integers using the Oecumenic Order. The literals (in order) { 0, …, 9, A, …, Z } are mapped according to their ordered index Oec(c) ∈ { 0, …, 35 } , starting at 0 ( Oec(0) = 0 ) and ending at Z ( Oec(Z) = 35 ).

A arbitrary alphanumeric string S of length n is encoded into a Integer Aq(S) = sum from i = 0 to n of Oec(Si), this is sometimes refereed to as plexing and we say that “Aq-S evokes Aq(S) ” . To encode strings for the CCRU Numogram, the evoked result from plexing is treated as a string and is repeatedly plexed until a base10 literal is evoked.

This holds for any string S ⊂ { 0, …, 9, A, …, Z } . If a string consisting of lower- and uppercase characters is to be used, the whole string is translated into uppercase characters.

The above lookup table [tbl.1] will speed up the mapping.

   23       20     9        1       5
     \     /        \        \       \
    S N A K E    =   9 5   =  1 4   = 5
   /    |    \          \        \
 28    10     14         5        4

Aq-SNAKE = 23 + 23 + 10 +  20 + 14 = 95          
         = Aq-95  =  9 + 5  =  14
         = Aq-14  =  1 + 4  =  5
         = Aq-5   =  5

Here Aq-Snake (= SNAKE) evokes (95) under Anglossic Qabbala. To encode it for the Numogram 95 is reduced by plexing Aq(’95’) = 14 , Aq(’14’) = 5 . Here Aq-Snake evokes 5 in the Numogram, corresponding to the 5 + 4 Syzygy Katak, and the innermost curve of the Barker Spiral (its terminal node). Barking Snakes has been described as a Zone-5 totem animal [3]

[ Primitive Numerization (Pn) ]

Primitive Numerization is the process of counting letters of a string.

ZERO  = 4, ONE   = 3, TWO   = 3,
THREE = 5, FOUR  = 4, FIVE  = 4,
SIX   = 3, SEVEN = 5, EIGHT = 5,
NINE  = 4


(Pn 3 + 5 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 3 + 5 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 5 + 3 = 4 + 4 = 8)
(Pn 4 + 4 = 4 + 4 = 8)

Using Pn on the English words for the base10 (Numogrammic) literals [1] we can see the consistency of the numogram emerging (0 + 9 = 1 + 8 = 2 + 7 = 3 + 6 = 4 + 5) [fig.4] [fig.3] [14].
In Qabbala, semiotics is assumed to be cryptographic in nature, without any original encoding, always encapsulating some kind of subliminal and hidden meaning. A statement could be described as a unique number, and reasoned about mathematically within its own formal system..

[1] Numogrammatic Novazygons, 9-Twins = 0:9, 1:8, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5
[2] Quote from the movie “PI”
[3] As described by Cecil Curtis, CCRU 1997-2003, p.270

The Numogram

                               ___/       \__
                           ___/        _  (15)
                        __/          _(6)  \
                       /         ___/    v__|
     WARP             /         /   \  ../   \                SYZYGY                EVENTS                       CURRENT
                     |        _(3   >)::(<   6)              -----------------+----------------+--------------------------
                    /        ^  \___/  .:\___/                  9:0   Uttunul |   7-2 ~ hold   |   9:0 --> 9 (9 - 0 = 9)
                   |        /   ^ .   :::'  /                   8:1   Murmur  |   5-4 ~ sink   |   8:1 --> 7 (8 - 1 = 7)
                   /       |    \  ':::'  _/                    7:2   Oddubb  |   6-3 ~ warp   |   7:2 --> 5 (7 - 2 = 5)
                   |       \_    \_(21)__/                      6:3   Djynxx  |   8-1 ~ surge  |   6:3 --> 3 (6 - 3 = 3)
                   \       (3)                                  5:4   KataK   |   9-0 ~ plex   |   5:4 --> 1 (5 - 4 = 1)
                    |        \
                     \        \_________        ___
                      \____             \_____ / 2\          ZONE         ==>        CHANNEL       ==>      GATE  ==>  ZONE
                      / 5 \                  (     ) .      -------------------------------------------------------+---------
                  .  (     )..    .       .. .,\_v_/ .  .       0 ==> 0                                     = 0     | ==> 0
                  .:::\v__/':::::::::::;;;;;;;::;;::__ .        1 ==> 0 + 1                                 = 1     | ==> 1
                 . ::::::        ^    ^^'  ';;;:::/^  \         2 ==> 0 + 1 + 2                             = 3     | ==> 3
               .  ._::::::.                    ''(     )        3 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3                         = 6     | ==> 6
                 /  ^\:::::,                     _\_7_/         4 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4                     = 10    | ==> 1
     TIME       (     ) :::::                  _/  ,            5 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5                 = 15    | ==> 6
     CIRCUT      \_4_/    ::::.               /   ,,            6 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6             = 21    | ==> 3
                   \        ::::     _       /    ,;            7 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7         = 28    | ==> 1
                    \_       :::.   (1)   __/   ;;'             8 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8     = 36    | ==> 9
                      \        ;;., / \  (28)   ,;;             9 ==> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45    | ==> 9
                       \_        ;.:\_v   /    ,;;
                         \__       / 1 \<'  ,.:;;                0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
                         (10)---->(     ) ..:;::'                                           7:2 ==> 5:4 ==>  8:1 ==> 7:2
                                 . \_v_/ :::;;;             10   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9        hold   sink    surge   hold
                                . .::::;;::''               20   A B C D E F G H I J
                                 .  _:::::''                30   K L M N O P Q R S T
                                 . / ^ \                    40   U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö          WAR = W + A + R = 42 + 21 + 37
                                  (     )__                                                 = 100 ==> 1
                                   \_8_/   \__
                           _____            /
                         _/     \   ___ ___/
                       (45)      > / 9 \v
       PLEX              \_       (     )..
                           \______ \_v_/  :;.
                                 . .::::. .::
                                   / ^ \:::'
                                  (     )

The Components of Lambda Calculus

Lambda Terms

[1] 𝚡, 𝚢, 𝚣, … A Variable 𝚡, which holds any value as a parameter, such as a String, Char, Mathematical value.

[2] (λ𝚡.𝚳) Abstraction binding 𝚡 in the (Lambda Term) in the
expression 𝚳.

[3] (𝚳 𝐍) Applying the Argument 𝐍 to the Function 𝚳.

[4] (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚡⟧) ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚢⟧) This is a α-conversion, which is the act of replacing bound variables 𝚡 in the Expression 𝚳 into the Lambda Term λ.

[5] ((λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚡⟧) 𝐄) ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝚳⟦𝚢 ≔ 𝐄⟧) This is a β-reduction, which is the act of applying a Lambda Term 𝐄 to a Lambda Function with argument 𝚡 bound in the expression 𝚳, where all occurences of 𝚡 in 𝚳 is replaced by 𝐄.

Common Combinators and Functions

  • Identity Function λ𝚡.𝚡 This function is very important in mathematics as it evaluates to the argument 𝚡. In mathematics examples of the Id function is, multiplication by one ’𝚡·1’, and addition by 0 ’𝚡+0’. This is extremely important in Number Theory, that there is an operation which does not change the value.
  • Constant Function λ𝚡.𝛕 Is a function which, no matter which input is given, always returns 𝛕. This is because 𝚡 does not appear in 𝛕, so no value is substituted upon reduction.
  • Currying λ𝚡.λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢) Usually in mathematics, a function per definition can only take on value 𝑓(𝚡). But because of β-reduction, Lambda Terms [10] applied as an argument replaces all occurrences [of 𝚡 ] in the inner expression.

Addition of 10 and 20, i.e 𝑓(𝚡, 𝚢) = 𝚡 + 𝚢 which isn’t allowed. Here is the Lambda Expression, written as a function in anonymous form

(𝚡, 𝚢) ↦ (((λ𝚡.λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢)) 10) 20)
(𝚡, 𝚢)(10, 20)
β-reduction (((λ𝚢.(𝚡 + 𝚢))⟦𝚡 ≔ 10⟧) 20)
Application ((λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢)) 20)
β-reduction (λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢))⟦𝚢 ≔ 20⟧)
Addition (10 + 20)

The stage where only 𝚡 ≔ 10 had been applied yields new function λ𝚢.(10 + 𝚢), which is defined with our previous value. This is known as currying, which is the transformations between functions as multiple arguments are applied. A chain of functions each with a single argument.

  • The Omega Function 𝝮 = (λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡) The Omega Function is a function, is a function which never terminates, since it through reduction evaluates to itself.

(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡) Application
(λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)⟦𝚡 ≔ (λ𝚡.𝚡𝚡)⟧ Reduction

This is a very basic version of the Lambda Calculus, which doesn’t use Types, etc. And there are multiple extensions to the Language, where Lambda Expressions can have multiple arguments; λ𝚡𝚢𝚣.𝚳

Usually in programming languages other more extended versions are used, such as The Typed Lambda Calculus, which incorperates types. The typed calculi is harder to define, and you need basic knowledge around Operational Semantics and here are steps of reduction taken from the lecture slides “The Lambda Calculus” of course CS430F07 from Yale University

e ⟼ e'
λv.e ⟼ λv.e'

e0 ⟼ e1
e0 e1 ⟼ e0’e1

e0 ⟼ e
e0 e1 ⟼ e0 e1

e0 ⟼* e1 e1 ⟼* e2
e0 ⟼ e2

e0 ⟼ e1 e ≡ e’
e0 ⟼ e1

e ≡ e’
e ⟼* e’

e ⟼ e’
e ⟼* e’

This hides the links in chain of functions, and you would then do a
application as ((λ𝚡𝚢𝚣.𝚳) π γ μ), where π, γ and μ are Lambda Terms.

Inductive Definition

In the minimal core of the Lambda Calculus a Lambda Term can be
defined inductivly as

[1] A Variable 𝚡 is a Valid Lambda Term, where 𝚡 is any single symbolic character.

[2] If 𝚡 is a Variable, and 𝚳 is a Lambda Term then (abstraction) λ𝚡.𝚳 is a Lambda Term.

[3] If 𝚳 and 𝐍 both are Lambda Terms, then (application) (𝚳 𝐍) is a Lambda Term.

[4] If and only if a Lambda Term can be derived from the application of the rules (1), (2) and (3) the Lambda Term is Valid. (WL)


Refers to the definition of an Anonymous Function λ𝚡.𝛕 which takes 𝚡, substitutes all occurences of 𝚡 and the given Argument and returns 𝛕, for example;

λ𝚡.𝛕 = 𝑓(𝚡) = 𝚡² + 10 where 𝛕 = 𝚡² + 10

𝛕 ϕ Represents the application of input ϕ onto the anonymous function 𝛕 to produce an output. Application of multiple Lambda Terms is left-associative. That is, the application 𝚡 𝚢 𝚣 𝛕 ϕ = ((((𝚡 𝚢) 𝚣) 𝛕) ϕ) where (𝚡 𝚢) is evaluated first, and 𝚣 is applied to the returned result of =(𝚡 𝚢)*, and so on…

[1] The outermost parenthesis are always removed (𝚡 𝚢) ⟹ 𝚡 𝚢

[2] The body of a Lambda Abstraction is interpreted as λ𝚡.𝐌 𝐍 ⟹ λ𝚡.(𝐌 𝐍) not as λ𝚡.𝐌
𝐍 ⟹ (λ𝚡.𝐌) 𝐍

Church Numerals

  • Let NAME ≔ M define NAME as the Lambda Expression M

The idea is to define numbers as a function which takes
another function and then some Lambda Expression. And the
amount of times the function is applied on the expression
is the numerical value.

For all integers k in Z larger or equal to zero:

   Cₖ = (λ𝑓.λ𝚡(𝑓...(𝑓 𝚡))) = λ𝑓.λ𝚡.Cₖ  
   C₀= 𝚡
   C₁= (𝑓 𝚡) 
   C₂ = (𝑓 (𝑓 𝚡))...  
   Cₖ = (𝑓 (𝑓 (𝑓...))) [1]

[1] 𝑓 applied k times
Where n f m means (n f) x, apply f, n times on x.

Definition of Simple Operations

From these rules one can start to define the basic operations present in a
programming languages. It can be hard to grasp the definitions and logic of
them, so i suggest you apply them to Church Numerals and see how they work.

In Haskell

In Haskell, Lambda abstractions / expressions are created using the
\ sign (as its similar looking to lambda), instead of a “dot” to
separate the argument[s] from the function body, Haskell uses a arrow
->. Multiple arguments in Lambda abstractions works, and each
argument is separated by whitespace.

  -- cn: Construct a Church Numeral of number N
  cn n = \f -> \x -> app f x n
    where app f x n =
            if n == 0 then x
            else f $ app f x (n - 1)

  -- fromCn: Convert a Church Numeral C into an Integer by applying add1 and 0
  -- to an arbituary Church Numeral, which (due to the nature of Church Numerals)
  -- will add up to the correct number.
  fromCn c = c add1 0
    where add1 n = n + 1

Below are some examples of how you can play around with The Lambda
Calculus in Haskell. The function cn can be used to convert a
Integer into the corresponding Church Numeral, and the function
fromCn does the opposite (Church Numeral ==> Integer).


  • cn 2 = \f -> \x -> f (f x)
  • fromCn (cn 100) = 100
-- zero: Church Numeral coding for zero
zero = \f -> \x -> x

-- power: Given two Church Numerals N and E, raise N to the power of E [N^E] and
-- return the corresponding CN.
power = \n -> \e -> e n

-- mult: Given two Church Numerals M and N, multiply N with M [N*M] and return the
-- corresponding CN.
mult = \m -> \n -> m (add_ n) zero

-- succ_: Given Church Numeral N, return its successor (the next whole number N+1).
succ_  = \n -> \f -> \x -> f (n f x)

-- add_: Given Church Numerals M and N, add them [M+N] and return the corresponding CN.  
add_ = \m -> (\n -> (m succ_) n)

-- isTrue: Given Church Numeral A, return True if A codes for True otherwise False.
isTrue a = a True False

-- true: Church Numeral coding for True  
true = \x -> \y -> x

-- false: Church Numeral coding for False
false = \x -> \y -> y

-- and_: If Church Numerals X and Y both code for True, return the CN coding for True.
and_ = \x -> \y -> y (x true false) false
--- And so on [...]  

Here are some [more] Mathematical definitions for different common
functions of programming languages implemented in The Lambda Calculus.

ZERO ≔ x
ONE ≔ λx.x
SUCC ≔ λn.λ𝑓.λ.𝚡.𝑓 (n 𝑓 𝚡)

PLUS ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m 𝑓 (n 𝑓 𝚡)
PLUS ≔ λm.λn.m SUCC n

MULT ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m 𝑓 (n 𝑓)
MULT ≔ λm.λn.λ𝑓.m (PLUS n) 0

POW ≔ λb.λe.e b

PRED ≔ λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
SUB ≔ λm.λn.n PRED m

TRUE ≔ λx.λy.x
FALSE ≔ λx.λy.y

AND ≔ λp.λq.p q p
OR ≔ λp.λq.p p q

IF ≔ λp.λa.λb.p a b

ZERO? ≔ λn.n (λx.FALSE) TRUE
LEQ? ≔ λm.λn. ISZERO (SUB m n)

CONS ≔ λx.λy.λf.f x y
FST ≔ λp.p TRUE
SND ≔ λp.p FALSE
NIL? ≔ λp.p (λx.λy.FALSE)

ϕ ≔ λx.CONS (SND x) (SUCC (SND x))

Y ≔ λg.(λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))

F ≔ λg.(λx. x x) g (WL)

The Game of Subdecadence

[1] Truncate a standard deck of playing cards.

  • Remove all Royal cards except the Queens.
  • Remove all Tens and Jokers.

The resulting deck should have 40 cards in it, Where Queens are
given the value of zero
. hThe deck should now have cards with the
signified values 0 through 9 from all four houses..

[2] Deal five cards face up (in the shape of the The Atlantean
, these cards are refered to as S1.

Another set of five cards S2 are dealt with face down (under the
cross, in a straight line)

     3 🂣
 5 🂥      🂨 8  ↩

     5 🂥

     8 🃈
🂠  🂠  🂠  🂠  🂠  ↩
?   ?   ?   ?   ?

[3] Turn over the cards of S2 one at a time, and pair the card with
one card in S1, adding the values of the cards to construct pairs
summing to nine
(the pairs are called Syzygies (and refers to those
present in the Numogram) [written as 9:0, 8:1, 7:2, 6:3, 5:4].

  1. All the cards cannot be paired, remain in there initial position.
  2. Each round (called Aeon) last until the first zero or negative

[4] The Score is calculated by scoring the difference of each Syzygy
positivly, that is, subtracting the smaller card from that of the
larger cards singified value; ( 5:5 = 0, 7:2 = 5, …, 9:0 = 9 ) then
adding the result to the score. \\ Unpaired cards are scored negativly
by their (raw) values and are subtracted from the score ( 0=0, 1=1,
2=2, …, 9=9 ) The resulting score can be positive or negative, if
negative the Game is finished. If positive, continue to step 5.

[5] Repeat step 2, with the deck of the remaining cards and accumulating the
score between Aeons. When pairing a card, place it on the syzygetic twin
present in the The Atlantean Cross.

Interpretation of Subdecadence

Each score corresponds to a Demon in the Pandemonium Matrix, all of
which have peculiar attributes for interpretation, corresponding to
some intended meaning.

All demons are considered to be negative in influence, except Lurgo
with Mesh serial 0 which allows the game to end without any result,
which is neutral.

Hence one cannot really win the game, only lose. Each demon has
rites, in which the netspan of the demon correspond to a tracing or
path across the flows of the Numogram.

These rites are constitutes models practical culture, each associated
with a omen, and power.


     3 🂣 
  5 🂥    🂨 8
     5 🂥
     8 🃈     


  🃑 🃇 🃅 🂵 🂱
  1   7   5   5  1
  • The possible pairs here are:

    • 8:1 ⟹ 7 🃈 and 🃑 Destructive Power
    • 8:1 ⟹ 7 🂨 and 🂱 Deep Past

    Score: 7 + 7 = 14

  • The unmatched cards are:
    • 🃇 (7) ⟹ 14 - 7 = 7
    • 🃅 (5) ⟹ 7 - 5 = 2
    • 🂵 (5) ⟹ 2 - 5 = -3
    • 🂥 (5) ⟹ (-3) - 5 = -8
    • 🂥 (5) ⟹ (-8) - 5 = -13
    • 🂣 (3) ⟹ (-13) - 3 = -16

Score: -16 [(7+7) - (7+5+5+5+5+3)] ( Deep Past & Destructive Power)

The Atlantean Cross:

                        <4> Crown Pylon                        
                         |         Horizon of manifestation                                   
                         |        ↙                                    
      Left Pylon <3}-----+-----{2> Right Pylon           
                         |   3-+-2                                     
                         |     |   ← Circle of Tridentity                                    
                         |     1                                  
                        <1> Central Pylon                      
                         | ← Pillar of Assumption                                    
                        <5>  Root Pylon (Seat of Metatron)     

The pylons make five different stations, each constitute a syzygy when
added to its twin [# = 10].

  • 1 (+ 9 = 10) Far Future
  • 2 (+ 8 = 10) Creative Power
  • 3 (+ 7 = 10) Destructive Power
  • 4 (+ 6 = 10) Memories & Dreams
  • 5 (+ 5 = 10) Deep Past

Each Syzygy will correspond to a Pylon in The Atlantean Cross, and
will hence have an added meaning / category attributed to the syzygy
(Far Future, Creative Power, Destructive Power, Memories & Dreams,
Cycles of Hell, Deep Past). Look at The Atlantean Cross for positional

By collecting the score of each Aeon ending with the last, a sequence
of positive numbers are collected, each of which correspond with the
Mesh-serial of a demon. Together with the Category derived from the
pylon, all pairs in the Aeon are associated a category. The
combination of which together with the Aeons score (indexing a demon)
constitute some sort of interpretive meaning similar to that of Tarot

Past Futures

We have left behind any excitement towards the future, lacking a
coherent vision, we end up looking in the past. Our current future
doesn’t have an aesthetic, it’s not clearly defined, we know in
what direction contemporary techno-culture is evolving, yet we
cannot seem to produce a vision for a coherent future.

We know that time is running out, and we have given up. In a highly
unpredictable and chaotic society, ideas too much rooted in the
present quickly become outdated and incompatible as the rules

Searching the depths of the datacomb, we start digging up past
futures, categorizing them into tactical and digestible
simulacra. Proven aesthetics act as a hyperstitional attractor,
cults and groups quickly form as the IT couples itself into our
collective desire. We desperately try to cling onto something which
once signified meaning, a populated future.

Maybe we can do better this time?



The meaning of a sign can be defined as its difference to other signs; A chair only exists in the relation to humans, furniture, etc. In large societies desire codes for difference [meaning], a desire to deterritorialize culture into new (trends etc).

Population growth implies less difference. Harder to stand out. Harder to define yourself as an [separate, different] individual.

What makes you different from everyone else? What makes you, you? Difference? Past subtracted from the present, defines slope, direction, the derivative the Zen master remarked.

At its core. A light blue glow of euphoria, radiating…


A ever decreasing life-cycle of commodities, desire for difference, hyperstitional occultries accelerates techno-cultural advancements in recursive positive feedback [difference to [difference to … self]]. Schizophrenia.

 |             .         
 |            .            
 |          .'           
 | .. . - '            

Waves of hype ripple through the feedback systems of the Net.

Chaotic currents collide.
Swarms of signs, micro-trends and sub[merged-]cultures
navigate the feedback circuits, razor-blaze swirls,
cutting everything to pieces,
Viral reproduction.

Markets are built upon a set of feedback loops between consumers and producers. Research & Development fueled by desire accelerate the technocultural sphere. Here fiction act as cultural desire (viral and on the move). Symptomatic desire influences demand. Tools, (such as smartphones) achieves powerful symbolic value, in a system of signs, use value acts upon the hyperreal plane (hyperreal use-value = symbolic value).

The Smartphone market is a system of subscriptions, each version aims to replace the previous, the main difference = difference. Higher specifications and gimmicky features act symbolically; “I have the power to allow freedom”, “I can do X” etc. Ironically smartphones are marketed as parts of ones identity, something which defines you, says something about you, a category of difference.

The Human Security System is a Cybernetics of Security, where cyberpositive objects are an enemy to the Human kind and the critiquing of alienation has been supplanted where the population is foreign to them self [2]

Fashion takes the past apart and resemble it towards the future. Here meaning means difference, difference means movement. The pace of adoptation must not catch up with that of production, since fashion always needs something contemporary, new, to be desired. We incrementally borrow fashion from the past “presenting it in a higher resolution”.
We recycle forgotten culture, the past defines a direction borrowing form the increasingly recent past. When we have recycled all culture up to the present [reterritorializing force], will we continue forward [deterritorializing force]?

The past is now converging with the future.

“The spiral factory, stepped terraces of the hatching cells, blind jaws of the unborn moving ceaselessly, the staged process from egg to larva, near-wasp, wasp. In his minds eye a kind of time-lapse photography took place revealing the thing as the biological equivalent of a machine-gun hideous in its perfection. Alien” [17]

You spend your day in hypespirals, living like a wasp, a functional component in a swarm-machine.

The Virtual is now. We spend our days dissociating through a commodified (Hyperreal) sub-reality. Our phone has become something more abstract then just a pocked computer or a tool. Virtual realities filled with digital micro-services and getting the latest NFT id(ea)s and g(ad)gets. We are stuck in an infinite Cthulumercial.

Recent research has rearranged the stem-cells of animal embryos and bacteria into reproducing automatons micro-engineering. [18] [19]

“Technology remains a key driver of drug markets, with darknet markets, social media and instant messaging apps, and communication and encryption technologies now being used to some extent to facilitate the sale of drugs […]” (12)

Factories to on a large scale produce synthetic cathinones raise up in the China, Netherlands and Poland. Computer models simulating neural receptors generate the most euphoric (and deadly) synthetic cathinones and designer drugs. In 2021 370 new psychoactive substances were detected moving around the markets.

1996. Paris in flames,
Revolution has gone K-space native,
become darker.

No demands. No hint of strategy.
No logic. No hopes.

No end.
Its politics on TV again.
But out in the jungle it’s war.

The quantities for Methamphetamine seized is at a growth of +477% and Amphetamine at +391%. The strength of MDMA tablets has almost doubled (12).

Cities mutate into a techno-jungle, and the Guerrilla war on drugs (which replaced the Cold-War) evolve towards the tactical, entering a cyberpositive take off

The war against drugs become war on drugs

The Human Security Apparatus experiment with using drugs as tools and weapons, their soldiers prescribed drugs from the pharmaceutical market. Capitalism fighting its own drug market is an inherently toxic
auto-immune disease. - Cyberpositive, Nick Land, Sadie Plant/

  • FC: Flatline Constructs - Mark Fisher
  • NM: Neuromancer - William Gibson


[C]yber-positive addictions burning a hole in the Geosphere. Neural pathways being reinforced and reconfigured into strange configurations. Artificial death, flesh rotting in front of screens. Large infestations of collective (swarm-) identities collide in flamewars. Exterminate each other like wasps.

You would do anything just to experience it again, anything

Stimulants have infected the deepest neural pathways now. To go fast, to keep up with the speed of the accelerating market. Production has become the pillars of your identity. How would you have fun if you can’t keep up.

The most accelerated, bleeding edge tech, death-boosters, simstims and rotting hyper drugs.

The symptoms are getting worse, an ever present quiet the murmur of voices. Visual snow and cluster headaches. Involuntary muscle movement, sudden muscle contractions and restless legs. Stuck in positive feedback. This is the horrors of A-Death or Unlife.

The body is forgotten, wired into the frequency ooozzzing out of the screen, the body is already outdated and your timer is ticking down. tic, ticc, ticcc, … This horrible death-hurt. The electro-frying and brain-rotting way of life is immedietly forgotten when you disconnect, flatline.

PGP Encryption Using GNU Privacy Guard

Symmetric Encryption

gpg -c <file> -o <encrypted file>

Symmetric Decryption

gpg -d <encrypted file> -o <file>

Generate a Key:

gpg --generate-key  

Plaintext Signature

gpg -u <sender> --clear-sign <file>

Plaintext Signature to STDOUT:

gpg -u <sender> -o - --clear-sign <file>

Verify Plaintext Signature:

gpg --verify <signature>.asc

Sign and Encrypt File:

gpg -u <sender> -e <file>

Encrypt File For a Specific Receiver:

gpg -u <sender> -r <receiver> -e <file>

Decrypt a File:

gpg -u <receiver> -d <file>.gpg
                        Lines             Curves            Complex Shapes
\____                   +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N--+
     \____              +--N\   /+--N\   /+--N\   /+--N\   /+--N--+
----------\  The Eye    +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N \ / +--N--+   
-----------> -<(o)>-----+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--X--+--N--+------ Classification
----------/             +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N / \ +--N--+
 ____/¨¨¨¨              +--N/   \+--N/   \+--N/   \+--N/   \+--N--+
/                       +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N     +--N--+
                                 Bends             Shapes


Themes: 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙰𝙲𝚃 blue⟨at⟩occu.cc